I'm finally eating all my veggies!

I was told about green smoothies on a fasting retreat. Well, I've been home a month and had one everyday. For the first time, I'm getting all my veggies instead of trying to make up for it with vitamins. I love to count how many veggies I ate after drinking one.

I use organic spinach, kale, banana, apple, broccoli, and celery. Makes me feel good that I'm doing it. Why didn't I think of this years ago? Thanks for your site and smoothie recipes.

*DaNae's Note - I'm so excited to hear about your new found love of green smoothies. I remember the first time I started drinking green smoothies. I haven't stopped since. :) I'm sure that you'll continue to love them years down life's road.

Thanks for sharing about green smoothies. We would all love to see your own green smoothie recipes. Happy Blending!

Thirsty? Check out more delicious and healthy smoothie recipes!

Comments for I'm finally eating all my veggies!

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Get You Veggies Any Way You Can
by: Anonymous

This is a great way to incorporate vegetables into your daily diet. Making them taste great and smooth is the only way to go. Thanks for sharing!

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The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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