Nine Year Old Needs to Lose Weight

by Timiyah Brown

I am 9 years old and need to lose weight. I am 117 pounds, and I am tired of kids picking on me. Please, give me ways that I can loose weight. Thank you very much!


When I received your email, my heart broke for you. I know what it is like to be teased. It is no fun!

The best thing that helped me was to help others. Look outside yourself. Many other kids are hurting as much as you are.

Once I discovered that other kids needed help, I was able to help myself. Finding a purpose in life is a great way to motivate yourself to be healthier.

Some steps to become healthier...

1) Get your family involved. Talk to them about your struggles. Respectfully ask your family to help you.

2) Do not diet! You can lose weight without worrying about everything you eat. Just choose healthier options. Craving for something salty and crunchy? Eat healthier alternatives and in smaller amounts. Like veggies and dip or hummus.

Craving something cold and sweet? Try snacking on frozen fruit, like mango cubes or cherries. YUM! Or a delicious smoothie. :)

You'll have to make sure that the healthier options that you like are at your house and available. It'll have to be up to you to make those choices.

3) Drink a green smoothie with your family every day. The greens in the smoothie really help me not crave junk food during the day. Perhaps you'll find help as well.

4) Exercise. Have fun with it! Go outside and play. Depending where you live and what the weather is like, go sledding or biking go to a playground. Play tag. Find activities that you like to do with family or friends.

These are just a couple of ideas to help you out. I wish you the best! Please keep me posted!


Thirsty? Check out more delicious and healthy smoothie recipes!

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by: DaNae


Thank you for adding your advice! I'm so glad that you and your family were able to get answers for your son.

Thanks again!

My son was like you too....
by: Sonia

My son was the same as you...115lbs at age 9 1/2. We found out that he had some food sensitivities that caused his body to not process the foods the way they should.

We visited a naturopath who specializes in NAET allergy therapy. Once we cut out the foods that were bothering him his body slimmed down all on its own without "dieting".

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